Wingnut test drives the Meathouse Q

AO: Meathouse
When: 04/27/2021
Number of PAX: 7
PAX Names: homer, Popper, Meatball, Boomer, Ballboy, Flo,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Wingnut

Grab coupon and follow Q from the flag to the parking deck.

10 push ups & 10 squats with coupon at the first set of stairs.
Ascend the stairs
Rinse and repeat at the top
Walk to next set of stairs
Rinse and repeat before descending
Rinse and repeat

Walk to town green loop, but stopping along the way to bust out some curls

10 shoulder presses with coupon
10 coupon swings
5 blockees
Take a lap around the green without the coupon
(5ish rounds)

Next up, partner up:
Partner 1 holds a plant
Partner 2 runs without coupon the half lap around the green

A 10 count or 2 were tossed in

Final stage was reconvening at the flag for 100/100.
100 step ups on the short wall with coupon
100 bent over rows
Pax could break them up however they wanted
We called it at 75/75 to leave some time for Mary

Finished up with about 9 minutes of Mary and everyone hot a turn to lead an exercise

Lift up Boomers brother and SIL
Pray that Flo’s car troubles are fixed easily and cheaply (and that his M or 2.0 aren’t gunning for his new Jeep)
Continued prayers for Ready-Mix

My 2.0 had to go to the eye doc this morning. Seems she has one eye stronger than the other. Please pray for us as we try some things to help strengthen the other eye. Give us all patience, courage and strength.

Promise Race makeup is Wednesday 4/28 at the Hooch.

Leading the guys at the Meathouse was a new one for me compared to our usual beatdowns. Honestly it was a bit uncomfortable figuring out what to plan as a ruck & coupon workout happen less for me than the standard non weighted BD. I told myself GOOD. I found a way to get comfortable in an uncomfortable position and everything seemed to fall right into place.

Always a pleasure leading you gentlemen.