The Tower of Power

AO: Yard
When: 06/10/2021
Number of PAX: 4
PAX Names: bobbydodd, gilligan, Lector, Coconut,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bobby Dodd


Slow mosey, with cinder block coupon, from the parking lot of the Yard to Bicentennial Plaza across South Clayton street. Enough with the pleasantries, let’s get it on!

Set 1:
100 Side Strattle Hops
-10 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
90 Mountain Climbers
-9 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
80 Skater Hops
-8 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
70 Shoulder Taps
-7 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
60 Freddy Mercuries
-6 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
50 Lunges
-5 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
40 Hip Thrusters
-4 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
30 Shin Huggers
-3 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
20 Merkins
-2 Squats to Overhead Presses, with coupon
10 Burpees
-1 Squat to Overhead Presse, with coupon

Set 2:
Quarter Mile job to catch our breath

Set 3 – The Burp & Merk:
A pyramid Burpee exercise with ascending Merkins, up to eight. Then descend back down to one.
Example…jump, squat, 1 merkin, squat, jump, squat, 2 merkins, squat, jump….up to 8. Jump, squat, 7 merkins, squat, jump, squat, 6 merkins….

Set 4 – Captain Thor:

1:4 ratio of Big Boy Sit Ups & American Hammers. 1 BBSU, 4 Hammers; 2 BBSU, 8 Hammers….up to 10:40


Slow mosey with coupons back to the parking lot for COT.

Coconut; prayers for Jerry and upcoming deviated septum surgery.

Gilligan; prayers for Ron White’s health and hopeful reconciliation for his marriage and family. Awesome praise that Gilligan is able to be the light for Ron during this dark time.