Staying “Dry”

AO: Coliseum
When: 05/12/2021
Number of PAX: 5
PAX Names: simba, Bulldog, Smoked, geo, YouTube,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: YouTube

Knowing it's going to be raining, YHC was thinking glad to be at the Coliseum where there's a parking deck. YHC rolled in first and no one was there. Geo came just right behind me and while waiting for the rest of the PAX we did some stretching. Bulldog, Smoked, and Simba came a few minutes later and after usual disclaimer, we moseyed down to parking deck.

SSH 15x
Weed Picker 15x
Imperial Walker 15x
Wind Mill 16x (YHC forgot to changed tone)

The last time it rain YHC remember using the four corners of the parking deck, and thought something similar would be good.

Start with 3 rounds of:

Merkins and moseyed to longer corner and did Bonnie Blair, Bear Crawls the shorter distance of the corner before doing LBCs, moseyed back for American Hammer and Bear Crawl back to the starting position, where PAX waited for the 6th, who is YHC. First round was 10 set of each with 5 added to each exercises after each beat down. Realizing we still have plenty of time added a bonus round where we did a 4th set.

With plenty of time we started with Elevens. 1 burpees, mosey to the other end and do 10 squats (rinse and repeat).

We did a Mary while waiting for the sixth. Looked at the clock and still have time for another set. Simba suggested a change of parking deck and we moseyed over and we do a Lt. Dan (4 lunges, 1 squats, 8 lunges, 2 squats; etc.,) until we got to the end of the parking deck. We repeat the process over on the way back, and we Bernie Sanders up for a Mary (Rosalita, Freddy Mercury, and Box Cutters).

Bulldog is getting blood work praying for good result.
Smoked – Safe travel and good sailing weather to the Bahamas and back.

YHC is thankful for the HIM who showed up to make the commitment to come for the BD. In the gloom on a rainy day thankful Coliseum have parking deck to do BD where PAX can all stay dry. Only get "misted" on the way down and up.

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