Just the Two of Us

AO: Meathouse
When: 06/29/2021
Number of PAX: 2
PAX Names: homer, Boomer,
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Homer

Wasn’t sure how much rain we’d have or how many PAX would show. Lots out of town.

As boomer and I stood about to start warmups, my van decided to lock itself and I had not put the keys in normal spot. Yep. They were in the door. Luckily I had my phone and texted my M to let her know she’d need to bring spare keys to town green.

No packs. SSH. Copperhead Squat. Imperial walker.

Round 1
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. 10 inverted rows each corner. Plank for six

Round 2
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. Curls each corner. Plank for six

Round 3
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. 10 reclined chest press each corner. Plank for six

Round 4
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. Squats w/block each corner. Plank for six

Round 5
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. 10 over head press each corner. Plank for six

Round 6
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 cross over merkins
4 corners. 10 skull crusher each corner. Plank for six

Hand off to Boomer for 10 minutes.
11s on the stairs. Peter Parker’s at the top and squats at bottom

We got halfway through and called with 3 minutes left. Heavy rains held off so I wanted to get out from under the deck. Walked to the typical shovel flag location.

10 step ups
Ended with flutter kicks and dying cockroach

Pray for us to be more like Jesus.

Appreciative of Boomer. I’d likely gone home or at minimum just decide to solo ruck the 45 minutes. But with him on time and with cinder block ready, I had to keep to my plan. 4 corners at Coliseum yesterday. 4 corners at Meathouse today.