It’s always easier the second time

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Pipes
PAX: (Ratatouille) -(58/108), Animal, Birdie, Boardwalk, Homer (107/100), Harding, Pipes, Luau (222/200), 0
FNGs: 1 0

Weed Pickers
Imperial Walkers
LB Arm Circles

Mosey to the library parking lot for 4 Corners
25x Merkins
25x BB Sit Ups | 25x Merkins
25x Carolina Dry Docks | 25x BB Sit Ups | 25x Merkins
25x Squats | 25x Carolina Dry Docks | 25x BB Sit Ups | 25x Merkins

Mosey back to the green for more!
25x LBC
Bear Crawl across green
25x Peter Parker’s
Bear Crawl back
25x Heel Tappers (Alpha)
Bear Crawl across green
25x Lunges (Alpha)

Slowsey to the rock pile.
Grab a coupon and circle up.
1x Curl, 1x Overheard Press, 1x Squat, 1x Row then move to the right for new coupon. Repeat for complete rotation with all coupons. Then increase to 2x of all exercises with complete rotation. Then increase to 3x of all exercises.

Back to green for bellies.
“Nessum Dorma” Dez Abs.
30s Box Cutters
30s LBC
30s Gas Pumpers
30s American Hammer
1min Low Plank

45 seconds left to do (Ratatouille) -(58/108)’s Rocky Balboas until TIME!

Animal playing at Indio in Sugar Hill at 7PM. HuggyBear has a new cub!
Something else. Sorry.

New babies, Val’s business growth, Homer (107/100)’s brother, post election bonding, and other things I’ve forgotten.

Thank you Homer (107/100)!