Coupon Musical Dora

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Birdie (38/150)
PAX: Luau (50/200), Pigskin (20/175), Miyagi, Birdie (18/150)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect for BD
WARMUP: Quick disclaimer moseyed around the green area & back for Weed PIcker, Wind Mills, SSH, Willi Mays Hayes, Toy Solider & Arms Circle.
Musical DORA: Partner up & AMRAP. Performed as many reps for 2 different exercises per song. 15 reps for each exercise. While PAX 1 performed the exercises, PAX2 bernie sanders on the incline & mosey back, then switch. New song, new exercises.

1. Start Me Up: Kettle Bell Swing & SSH
2. Grave Robber: Curls & Plank Jack
3. Thunder: Overhead Press & American Hammer (AC)
4. Carry On Wayward Son: Mercans & Smurf Jack
5. I’m so Blessed: Skull Crusher & Copper Head Squat
6. I will Wait: Bentover Row & Mountain Climber (AC)
7. Danger Zone: Goblet Squat & Air Press
8. Under Pressure: Chess Press & Crunchy Frog
9. Shake: Flutter Kick with Coupon & Reverse Crunch
10. God is Good: LBC & Peter Parker (AC)

We managed to complete 8 rounds.

MARY: Gas Pumper, BBS, Donkey Kick.
Pray for healing for MIyagi (muscle strain) & healing for Pigskin’s 2.0 Reese.