What We Do
Burn is a Boot camp-style AO that meets on Wednesday mornings at 5:30 and Saturday mornings at 7:00 at Lilburn City Park (see map pin below). Most of our beatdowns include some variation of tempo exercise and short-distance running. We finish at 6:15 sharp on Wednesday and 8:00 Am on Saturday. Join Site Q Dovetail and other PAX as they accelerate their 1stF with other men in Lilburn, GA.
[ao-coliseum] FriYAY
AO: ao-coliseum Q: Chef (191) PAX: Chef (191) FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: 52⁰ and awesome WARMUP: walked around the pond THE THANG: 3 mile ruck stopped every .25 miles for alternating 25 Merkins and 25 Squats. 150 total for each merkin and squats MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: nope COT: that people are safe