Bearway to heaven

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Birdie
PAX: (Ratatouille) -(58/108), Luau (226/200), Full House, Boardwalk, Birdie, DR-Silverspoon
FNGs: None
WARMUP: after disclaimer we performed Weed Picker, Wind Mills, SSH (surprise Burpee), Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night Club,
Thang #1
Moseyed to the parking lot behind the Co-Op building where we performed BEAR CRAWL TO HEAVEN.
– Start at starting line
– Bearcrawl 2 parking spaces in length
– Bearcrawl back to starting line
– 7 burpees
– Rinse and repeat 6 more times, incrementing by 2 additional parking spaces in length and decrementing by 1 burpee each time.
The final cycle saw the PAX bear crawling 14 parking spaces out and 14 back and 1 burpee. In total, Bearway to Heaven required 112 parking spaces’ worth of bear crawls and 28 burpees.

Thang #2: Moseyed to the stairs area in the back on the City Hall for
Robert Plant up the stair and back
– At bottom: 1 derkin and 1 irkin
– At top: 1 jump squat
– Repeat, incrementing reps at bottom and reps at top by 1 each time, until the final cycle sees 7 derkins & 7 irkins at the bottom, and 7 jump squats at the top.

Thang #3: Moseyed to the green area next to the water fountain for
Elevens: Dip & Step-up).
1 round of BLIMPS (5 reps each).
5 burpees for Pain Train

MARY: Gas Pumper, Pickle Pointer, American Hammer, Rope Pull & 1 more which YHC could not remember.
Hooch/Bushwood Hot & Special 5K @ Medlock Bridge subdivision on Thanksgiving morning.
(Ratatouille) -(58/108)’s trip to Guyana & planting F3 over there.
Prayer for wisdom for Mason’s roommate’s situation.
Prayer for wisdom for Boardwalk’s job situation