Babysitting a Cinder Block

AO: Tracks
When: 07/01/2021
Number of PAX: 10
PAX Names: homer, Animal, Wingnut, Radar, Smoked, Birdie, Ivy, Merman, peppermint, Dawn
Number of FNGS: 2
FNG Names:
QIC: Homer

I had a plan that involved one single Cinder block. I had plans that would work with a few PAX and one that involved multiple. As it turned out, 10 PAX took off from Town Green this morning. The large group plan in place.

With relatively new guy, Peppermint and two Friendly New Guys, I took time to go through 5 core principles and a disclaimer. Grabbed the cinder and headed to water fountain area for warmup.

Side Straddle Hop, Weedpickers, Little Baby Arm Circles and reverse Baby arm circles. Dawn ALMOST missed us as I was ready to take off… Glad we hadn't left yet.

Idea was to carry the cinder to the hill that goes north to the school from the roundabout by Joan Glancy Hospital. YHC carried it for a little while and then left it for others to carry. Eventually got to the roundabout. (No time for donuts today) and crossed the street and down the hill. Leaving the coupon at a good halfway point up the hill and proceeded down hill to the end of the straight stretch. (Mumble chatter from the back on whether we were leaving gwinnett county…)

We broke up into pairs. Simple DORA 1-2-3

Partner A would run up to the cinder block and back while Partner B does exercises. Pair works together to complete 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats.
After a short recover we mosey'd back to our cinderblock.

Next, we lined up on our 6, shoulder to shoulder, facing the same direction. Hand off the cinder to pax beside you, get up and run to end of the line. Rinse/Repeat until we were close to the roundabout and crosswalk. Somewhere in there, we started doing single curls before handing off. Watch the teeth.

Next we grabbed the block and attempted a block handoff indian run back to the town green, but gave up on that, Maybe with a medicine ball, but not the block. Eventually made it back. Halfway we heard the train whistle. Did not stop for the burpees as sidewalk was pretty narrow, and did not want to stay in someone's driveway. We'd do them on the green.

Eventually made it back to the water fountain area for mary. YHC called Flutter Kicks (and then remembered the aforementioned burpees) 5 Burpees on your own, and then continued with some mary.

Let's see, there was Dying cockroach, alternating shoulder taps, protractor, box cutter, gas pumper, american hammers and buzz saws.

Just a couple minutes left, so balls to the wall and then we were done.

Homer returned the ball of man. Haven't been a part of one since early 2020 – F3 is more than a workout… remember that – Prayed for jobs, health and those traveling and those participating in the Peachtree Road Race this weekend.

Good to have Merman and Ivy join us (and peppermint and dawn!) These four already run circles around me. How incredible it is to lead a group of guys from 56 to 15! Let's do hard things and not just stay status quo.