[ao-wolf-den] WolfPAX Challenge #1 (4Q24)

AO: ao-wolf-den
Q: Luau (252/200)
PAX: Mutt, YouTube, (Ratatouille) -(73/108), Chef (234), Luau (252/200)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly, but not too chilly for Mutt to break out the Buford Green Wolf Den shirt.

WARMUP: SSHs, Windmills, TTTs, LBACs

THE THANG: We had an open Q slot, so I used this opportunity to reveal the first edition of what I envision to be a Quarterly “WolfPAX Challenge”. Using the 10 lamp posts lining the Wolf Den Plaza as “stations”, each station will have a specific exercise to complete. This is a progressive challenge, so complete station 1, run a lap. Then complete stations 1 & 2 and run a lap. Continue this same pattern through all 10 stations. If able to complete all 10 stations, keep repeating entire 10th set until time runs out. Each “Rep” will count as a point and each lap completed would be 50 points”. Tally your score at the end and ultimate goal is to improve on your score next Quarter.

Lamp Post #1: 5 Burpees
Lamp Post #2: 10 Step-Ups (Each leg)
Lamp Post #3: 15 HR Merkins
Lamp Post #4: Karaoke Zig-Zag (20 Pts)
Lamp Post #5: 25 Big Boy Sit-ups
Lamp Post #6: 30 Carolina Dry Docks
Lamp Post #7: 35 Sumo Squats
Lamp Post #8: 40 Rope Climbers (Single)
Lamp Post #9: 45 Dips
Lamp Post #10: 50 Side Straddle Hops

***Shoot me a message with where you finished and I will tally and post the scores for future comparison.

MARY: Rope Climbers, Heels to Heaven, Hello Dolly’s, J-Lo’s, 30 Second Low Plank Hold


COT: Healthy PAX, safe holiday travels for PAX and everyone else, safe and successful trip for Ratatouille in planting new F3 AOs in Guyana.