Q: Lunch Lady
PAX: Denny’s, Dovetail, Hyzer (26/200), Lunch Lady
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Weed Pickers, Good Mornings and a mosey.
THE THANG: Main Street Madness
– 2 pax ran up and down the Main Street parking lot while other 2 pax worked there way up the parking lot doing 5 merkins at each parking spot line. Running pax took over where working pax left off. Total of 20 parking lines. Same concept on way back down but we did 5 BBS at each line instead of merkins.
– 4 corners around Main Street – 3 pax ran to corner while one pax power walked. Runninng pax did different exercises while pax caught up. Dips, pull ups, mountain merkins and BBS. We did 3 rounds followed by a cool down lap walking together.
MARY:Ring of Fire
-Roman candles
-Dying Cockroaches
-Freddy Mercurys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2F event in March, Black Ops in Tucker Sat at 7A, 3/22 No Longer Bound Beatdown/Breakfast/fellowship.
COT:injured pax, dovetail’s BIL heart attack,,