[ao-sasquatch] The legend of Sasquatch’s Gauntlet

AO: ao-sasquatch
Q: Dovetail
PAX: SUDS, Dovetail, Hyzer (36/200), Lunch Lady, Prairie Dog, Platypus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:cool clear
WARMUP: woodland wander, berry bush benders, timber strides, tree top twister, mudd hoppers, branch swing rotations
THE THANG:The Legend of Sasquatch’s Gauntlet
Scenario: Sasquatch, protector of Henderson Park, has laid down a gauntlet to test the mettle of those who dare enter his domain. Prepare to roll the dice and face his challenges!
Equipment: Two twelve-sided dice (one red, one blue), a timer, and your own grit.
Warm-up (5 minutes):

The Gauntlet (Dice Rolls):
– Roll both dice.
– Red Die: This die dictates the “Power” exercises, the raw strength and explosive movements favored by Sasquatch.
– Blue Die: This die determines the “Agility” and “Endurance” exercises, testing your ability to move and persevere.
– Execute the exercises corresponding to the numbers rolled.
– Transportation after each round with coupon, brick layer, murder bunny, coupon sled, bear crawl with coupon, shoulder haul, bunny murders.
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Q Source The King. Workout to get right
COT: adult issues as school, Adolescent patients, last day for government working spouse.