[ao-hall-of-justice] Love never fails

AO: ao-hall-of-justice
Q: Miyagi
PAX: YouTube, Luau (36/200), Harding
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 30 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, LBACs, Weed Pickers

Part 1: Heart made out of cones. Partner up. One partner does isometric exercise at tip of heart, other partner runs around half the heart, does exercise, the runs around the rest of the heart and tags partner. 3 rounds: Plank & 5 Burpees. Al Gore & 10 Big Boy Sit-ups. Hollow Body Hold & 10 Carolina Dry Docks.
Part 2: Corner of field behind City Hall. 4 stations: merkins, jump rope, dumbbell lateral raises, and run around field. Each PAX had one turn doing each exercise.

MARY: Plank toe taps, American hammers, Freddy Mercury’s, burpees


COT: pray for Pigskin (13/175)’s daughter