[ao-duncans-inferno] Pain stations with toys – small group edition

AO: ao-duncans-inferno
Q: Harding
PAX: Luau (222/200), MC, Harding
FNGs: None
Had a few pain stations planned for a bigger group, but with only 3 PAX YHC had to improvise a little bit, and cater to the HIM that beat the fartsack.

SSH, Imperial Walkers, copperhead squats, breeze-mills (slow windmills…)

Pain stations with toys.
Each round is 4 min on the timer.
Pax rotate at their station between Exercises, based on the switch key exercise, until timer for the round is up.
Move to next station, repeat until the end.

Each station/round has 3 Exercises:
EX1 Switch Key (reps or distance) — EX2 AMRAP — EX3 AMRAP Rope

Round 1: Walking Lunges — Dumbbell Renegade Merkins — Rope Alternating waves

Round 2: BBSU x20 — Alt Shoulder sandbag lift & Squat — Rope Rainbows

Round 3: Rifle Carry — Curls — Rope Slams

Round 4: No-Cheat-Toe-touch Merkins x15 — Muhammed Ali’s — Rope arm circles

Round 5: Coupon Rows x20 — Plank Jacks — Rope lateral raises

Round 6: Bear Crawl — Coupon OH Press — Rope rear/reverse alternating waves (MC request)

MARY: with 2 min left
Legs on/off blocks
Legs L-R swing over blocks

Our families, friends and our country, and the prayers in our heart.