AO: ao-burn
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Change Order (5/90)-INJURED RESERVE, Dovetail, Honky Tonk, Denny’s, Lunch Lady, Cheesesteak
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:55 and clear
WARMUP:SSH, weed picker, rockets, windmill drunken hillbilly arm circles, pool pisser, seal clap
THE THANG:Each round starts with a lap around the Lilburn Park Greenway (quarter mile)and then concludes with ascending exercise.
– Round 1: 30 second forearm plank
– Round 2: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees
– Round 3: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks
– Round 4: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS
– Round 5: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS, 20 Merkins
– Round 6: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS, 20 Merkins, 25 squats.
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Change Order (5/90)-INJURED RESERVE, Dovetail, Honky Tonk, Denny’s, Lunch Lady, Cheesesteak
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:55 and clear
WARMUP:SSH, weed picker, rockets, windmill drunken hillbilly arm circles, pool pisser, seal clap
THE THANG:Each round starts with a lap around the Lilburn Park Greenway (quarter mile)and then concludes with ascending exercise.
– Round 1: 30 second forearm plank
– Round 2: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees
– Round 3: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks
– Round 4: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS
– Round 5: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS, 20 Merkins
– Round 6: 30 second forearm plank, 5 Burpees, 10 Dry docks, 15 BBS, 20 Merkins, 25 squats.
Indian run, doing LT Dans in a line while throwing exercise die up for next in line to catch. If drop. Do exercise. Star burpees, v ups, one legged crunch.
MARY:Change order counted : Superman’s, V Ups, pistol squats( no one could do these)
COT:Pax shorties sick and wisdom teeth pulled. wisdom for Cheesesteak for his upcoming bible study. Glad to see Change Order (5/90)-INJURED RESERVE stop by!