[ao-burn] Billy Madison

AO: ao-burn
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Denny’s, Dovetail, Finch
FNGs: None
THE THANG:Goal: Complete 12 reps X12 of each exercise, followed by a (MOSEY) to a new location. Repeat this pattern, adding a new exercise each time until you have completed 12.
You can only pick up one pax at six.
1st – Mountain Climbers
2nd – Lunge
3rd – Squats
4th – LBCs (crunch)
5th – Carolina Dry Docks
Pick up the six
6th – Merkins
7th –Flutter Kicks (Kodiak Count)
8th – BBS (sit up)
Pick up the six
Freshmen – Tony Hawk Burpees (Spin 180 on each jump)
Sophomore – X-Factors
Junior – Broken Bicycles (six with legs straight out and hands behind head. Lift torso-like crunching while bringing one knee to meet elbows with the other leg remaining straight.)
Senior – Hand Release Merkin with shoulder Tap

MARY: flutter, gas pumpers, Merkin ring of fire
COT: GCA homecoming kids safe, season of financial challenges

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