[ao-bluffs] MC’s Greatest Hits (and respect Q)

AO: ao-bluffs
PAX: Meatloaf (064/100), Deep Dish, Double Fault(40/100 posts), T-Bone, Mutt, MC
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 32 but dry
WARMUP: Moroccan Night Club, back twisties, mosey, wind mill
THE THANG: We lined up at the curb w/ MC’s favorite coupons and YHC told the PAX that there were 5 exercise and we do 10 reps each (on your own): Cactus Jump Squats, Kettle Bell Swings, OHP, WW3, Thrusters. Upon completion of 50 total reps, PAX sprints across parking lot and back; then commences a new round. We did 5 rounds in total so that we did 50 reps of each of the 5 exercises.

At this point, the PAX were beat and MC had mercy and cut the workout short. j/k. Nooooo. Moving on to the next Thing…

We moseyed down to the amphitheater for a 50 second Balls to the Wall hold. We were all doing find until about 10 seconds left and then there was a lot of grunting – but we all persevered on shot arms.

Next: We did a Burpee/Broad jump/Box jump up the amphitheater: One of each for each level until we made it to the top (7 or 8 levels).

Next: We went to a new Bernie hill and Bernied up and then came down and did 50 SSH (single count) in cadence.

OK: Just when we were having fun, the time rant out. Time for Mary.
MARY: We each did one Mary and MC ended on his new fav that Luau (252/200) imported from F# Alpha: the T-bomb! Look it up or ask Luau – it’s great!
COT: Praise for Double Fault(40/100 posts)’s family and neighbors for not getting hurt from gun shots in the neighborhood, but pray for justice and safety. Men, get screened for colon cancer per recommendations (45 0r 50 is when you should start w/ colonoscopies – it’s 100% preventable), praise for Sleep in Heavenly peace delivering over 100 beds since mid-October, exceeding their goal.