Q: Miyagi
PAX: Miyagi, YouTube, Pigskin (25/175)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40, clear and windy
WARMUP: LBAC’s, Pool Pissers, mosey
THE THANG: we used YouTube’s sandbag to “charm the snake” behind the Town Center stage. We did 5 burpees at each end of the snake. After each snake, we did an exercise across the stage.
1. Snake, Alligator pushups
2. Snake, bear crawl
3. Snake, crab walk
4. Snake, army crawl
Then we moseyed back to Tequila Mama and did 5 burpees. Then we we moseyed to a little tunnel between the townhomes.
One PAX held Hollow Body Hold, second held Plank, and third ran the tunnel, did 5 merkins, then did Bernie back, and we all rotated. After we all did 5, we did 4, then 3, then 2, then 1 merkin.
Then we did walking lunges in cadence through the tunnel.
Then we did SSH’s while one PAX ran to the other end of the tunnel and back 3x. Then we did it 2x, and then just 1x.
MARY: Box Cutters, American Hammers, Crunchy Frogs, 5 more burpees to get us to 50
COT: Pigskin’s patience as he leads his family, YouTube’s work, Miyagi committed to stop speeding