AO: ao-bluffs
Q: Double Fault(40/100 posts)
PAX: MC, Toto (5/110), T-Bone, Meatloaf, Double Fault(40/100 posts)
FNGs: None
WARMUP:motivator, weed pickers, tumble weeds, little baby arm circles, pool pissers, Michael Phillips, overhead claps, mosey
THE THANG: Baseball stuff
Home: 5 Merkins. Mode to 1st base:lunges
1st base: 10 BBS. Mode to 2nd: bear crawl
2nd base: 15 SSHopkins. Mode to 3rd base:lunges
3rd: 20 squats. Mode to home base:near crawl
Home score. Shoot long shot to reduce 50 burpees at end.
Rinse and repeat.
Mosey to amp and wall sat to break up monoteny
Back to bases
We hit 4 out of probably 30 shots to only have to do 10 burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS:yes talking of 2f and 1F events coming up
COT:we prayed for many requests
Q: Double Fault(40/100 posts)
PAX: MC, Toto (5/110), T-Bone, Meatloaf, Double Fault(40/100 posts)
FNGs: None
WARMUP:motivator, weed pickers, tumble weeds, little baby arm circles, pool pissers, Michael Phillips, overhead claps, mosey
THE THANG: Baseball stuff
Home: 5 Merkins. Mode to 1st base:lunges
1st base: 10 BBS. Mode to 2nd: bear crawl
2nd base: 15 SSHopkins. Mode to 3rd base:lunges
3rd: 20 squats. Mode to home base:near crawl
Home score. Shoot long shot to reduce 50 burpees at end.
Rinse and repeat.
Mosey to amp and wall sat to break up monoteny
Back to bases
We hit 4 out of probably 30 shots to only have to do 10 burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS:yes talking of 2f and 1F events coming up
COT:we prayed for many requests