[ao-coliseum] Mismatched Coupons and the Bernie Bros

AO: ao-coliseum
Q: Supply Chain
PAX: Chef (40), Luau (51/200), Rocker, Moen (30/100), Holy Water, Supply Chain, Decal, Pigskin (21/175), Miyagi
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, tumble weeds, LBAC, PP, Imperial Walkers
THANG 1: Ring of Fire: Do the exercise and then run up and down the steps:
– 15 box jumps
– 15 burpies
– 20 donkey kicks
– 25 derkins
– bear crawl
THANG 2: Coupon Stations: perform the exercise while another pax runs a lap. When the pax returns, rotate to the next station:
– coupon swing, curl, ssh, thruster, bent over row, upright row, merkin, overhead press
THANG 3: 7’s at the bernie hill. Mike Tysons and Bobbie Hurlie, with backpedalling up the hill.
MARY: No Time
COT: Lots of a sharing. Grieving, hospitalizations, parenting, etc.