Learning how to count…

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Pipes
PAX: Homer (100/100), Boardwalk, Luau (206/200), Fireball, Birdie, (Ratatouille) -(36/108)
FNGs: None
38F, clear, lovely lovely.

Said it. Almost memorized.

SSH (with help from all on how to count), Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers, LB Arm Circles.

Part 1 – Cherokee Run with Burpee Caboose. Mosey single file. Last PAX stops to do a burpee than has the catch up and take over lead. New caboose PAX stops to to burpee and hustles to take lead. Repeat until all PAX have completed once.
Part 2 – Dora on Discount
Grab a coupon from the pile and partner up in parking lot. 100x Merkins, 100x BB Sit Ups, 100x Alpha Count Lunges. While one partner is doing the exercises, the other rifle carries coupon down lot and leaves it to sprint back. Trades with partner who sprints to the coupon and ride carries it back. Rinse and repeat until all reps are done.
Part 3 – Beary Burpee
11s across the parking lot. Start with 1 coupon curl. Bear crawl across lot and complete 10 burpees. Bear crawl back for 2 coupon curls. Repeat. Ended a little early for time.
Part 4 – “Nessun Dorma” Dez Abs
Gather at the green to finish on abs. Pavarotti led. 1 min box cutters, 1 min side planks (30 seconds on each side), 1 min full plank.
Vincero! Vincero!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Meatloaf (064/100) Bed Moving on Saturday. (Ratatouille) -(36/108) VQ in 3 weeks at ao-wolf-den. Birdie NLB breakfast coming up.

ENCOURAGEMENT: “When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, The post of honor is a private station.”
Leave no man alone at the post of honor.

COT: (Ratatouille) -(36/108) and his project at work. Harding and family feeling better. Strength to be men of honor with our families, communities, and jobs.

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